Most of us are currently thinking about ways to save money around the house. However, cost-cutting has become crucial for business owners to maintain a long-term enterprise. And while switching to energy-efficient lightbulbs and computer monitors will help you reduce your soaring energy costs, have you considered how to maintain your facility over the long run? Doormats can save you money on cleaning expenses while also shielding you from unfavourable legal action. This article discusses the value of doormats and how, in the long term, installing the right kind of mat for your building may help you save money.
Why install a doormat?
For most of us, wiping our feet before entering a building is as natural as offering a visitor a cup of tea and a smile. While having visitors wipe their feet as they arrive has apparent advantages, there are also some significant financial advantages you might not have considered.
Naturally, the most obvious benefit of having a doormat is to allow guests to wipe wet and dirt off their shoes before entering. Because slippery, wet, and dirty flooring can be expensive for a business.
Additionally, we’re not only referring to domestic entry mats. Doormats positioned internally help avoid contamination from one room to the next. Many businesses have wet or unclean regions.
Presentation is everything
While dirty floors pose a risk to workers, they also give your building a rundown, unwelcoming appearance. You want your office or factory to appear its best if you’re showing potential customers around; unclean, wet flooring is the last thing you want them to see.
When courting a new client, presentation is essential. If your building is dirty, it speaks poorly of your company’s methods. It implies that: You don’t care.
Your business practices are shoddy, and you don’t care if people trip and get wounded.
- You don’t care
- Your approach to business is sloppy, and
- You’re not bothered if people slip and hurt themselves
Naturally, factories and warehouses will always have a slightly worn-down appearance, but doormats at entrances help create a positive first impression.
Why matting is better than mopping
Of course, sweeping away the mud throughout the day is one approach to keep your building tidy. However, mopping has risks as well because it keeps your floors wet for a longer period of time, which increases the risk of slipping.
Additionally, you must engage someone to regularly mop or clean the floor, which will raise your overhead costs at a time when most firms are seeking methods to reduce wasteful expenses.
The statistics of slipping!
Over £500 million is lost to UK businesses each year due to workplace accidents! The insurance payments for the injury, the resulting illness, and the damage to the property and the furniture are, of course, the most obvious outgoings.
However, occupational slip injuries come with additional expenses, such as:
- Delays in production while employees recover
- Equipment damage
- Loss of overtime production
- The costs of employing and training temporary labour
- Loss of experience and expertise
- HR administrative and investigation time
- Fines and damage to reputation
The Costs of a Mat Compared With a New Floor
A high-quality doormat cleans dust and grime from shoe tracks, better shielding your floors from dings, dents, and blemishes.
Flooring for entrances must be sturdy, hygienic, and created to reduce trips and slides. Many buildings have hard-wearing, long-lasting carpets in the entranceways; the typical cost of laying out a 60-square-meter hallway with one is £600 for a low-profile, high-quality carpet or $3000 for vinyl flooring of ordinary quality.
Compare that once more to entrance mats, which prolong the life of your carpet or vinyl floors. Protect your investment with reasonably priced matting that can match the colour
scheme of your building.
What type of doormat do I need?
Different doormats serve different functions. While some mats are made to scrape off dirt, mud, and industrial debris, others are made to soak up gallons of water.
In general, rough mats eliminate dirt from your shoes’ soles, while thick, fabric-based mats absorb water.
Cheap all-purpose mats are easily saturated with mud and water, which renders them useless for their intended use. Inadequate matting makes clean shoes even filthy by not removing the mud and water from them.
Consider a bi-level mat hence for entrances that are extremely busy or wet. These have a lower surface that collects the mud and water until it dries and an upper surface with rough bristles or rubber scraper tips that help remove mud from shoe grips.
The mud can then be vacuumed up to clean the mat after it has dried.
Should I place my doormat inside or outside?
An internal mat acts as a barrier at the building’s entrance to collect dirt and water, preventing it from entering your lobby or reception area. By removing grit that can scuff up your carpets or scratch your gleaming floors, cleaner shoes assist prevent harm to your floor surfaces.
Rubber-backed interior mats are more durable than vinyl-backed ones and maintain their position better because of their high surface traction. The rough, textured surfaces of outdoor mats catch mud and stones. Rubber is one of the greatest materials for an outdoor mat because it is more weatherproof than other options.
Many establishments feature an indoor mat that absorbs water and an outdoor mat that removes dirt, grit, and stones from shoes. This double-whammy matting provides the highest level of cleanliness and safety.
What size doormat do I need?
The entry and exit mats from First Mats come in a variety of flexible sizes. We produce thick entrance matting tiles that span the entire width of your entrance hall, rubber mats, and coir mats.
In general, the cleaning is more successful the larger the mat. A visitor’s shoes grow cleaner the more times they must step on the mat. Consider the mat’s crush resistance. A longer crush resistance indicates a longer lifespan as well as more reliable performance all day long.
How do I keep my doormat clean?
For entrance mats to remain effective, periodic cleaning is necessary. Wait for the mat to dry completely before giving it a thorough vacuuming to remove all dirt. This will freshen the mat’s appearance and cleaning power.
Most mats are made to be cleaned using a good-quality vacuum cleaner, which is quick and simple for high-traffic workspaces. However, some mats can be sponged down or washed in a washing machine. The finest site to get high-quality doormats in Ireland is Entrance Matting Ireland. Doormats keep the inside tidy and dust-free. Coir matting mats are excellent for keeping interior spaces clean.