Since breathing can’t be escaped even for a second, the quality of air matters a lot in this case. Indoor air quality is not only the most critical issue in our mind, but it also plays an important role in bringing good health, comfort, and productivity. Proper ventilation is an important engineering control in office premises, schools, and other places. It saves energy when improving indoor air quality.
Good ventilation reduces the air pollutants, removes CO2, draws in the fresh air, and also maintains the temperature and humidity. There is a specific limit of temperature and humidity which should be maintained properly. If the humidity goes above that limit, this can help in reducing airborne contamination from different viruses. So, what is the point of pursuing such guidelines? Whether you know it or not, there are some main benefits of good ventilation and air quality.
Benefits of good ventilation
Comfort to employees
For any organization, keeping the employees comfortable and happy is of paramount importance. This will not only help them to be more productive but also ensure better health of the employees. While a good work culture helps in creating a healthy environment at the workplace, it is important to have a proper ventilation system installed as well to make sure that there is a regular flow of fresh air inside the office premises.
A study found that indoor air quality was more important than outdoor air quality as a cause of illness in office buildings. The researchers have estimated that poor indoor air quality causes problems and is linked to long-term health problems such as asthma, allergies, and cancer.
No one likes to work in an uneasy work environment by either shivering or sweating all day. That is why indoor air quality matters for comfortable living as well as working.
Better productivity
Ventilation is a critical component of any building. Without proper airflow, mold and mildew can develop in areas that are rarely cleaned. This can cause potential health issues for occupants as well as damage to equipment such as computers from water damage.
In addition, poor ventilation makes it more difficult for occupants to be productive at work or school. The good air quality and ventilation aid concentration, decision-making skills, job satisfaction, stamina, energy, and many more things. So, it is not just employees who will not be disturbed by being too hot or cold or working in a stuffy environment. The lower levels of CO2 and higher levels of oxygen and fresh air help the brain to perform at its best.
There is a strong link between air quality and a better decision-making routine. People who work in green-certified buildings scored higher on mind function tests than workers who work in standard buildings. Employees working in comfortable air temperatures contribute to high productivity. You can upgrade air conditioning Sydney or increase the ventilation to check the gains.
Less sick time
In case of bad indoor air, there is a high risk of eye irritation, inflammation, and difficulty in breathing for many people. If a person has some existing health problem, such a situation can worsen the problem.
The poor air quality is also the cause of many sick building problems, a condition in which the employees face different symptoms when sitting inside a building but not when outside. This makes the ventilation important.
The ventilation systems help in keeping people healthy like if you double the ventilation in a low-ventilated building this can reduce the sick time of employees.
In a newly designed building, you can invest efforts in improving natural light, airflow, and energy efficiency. As a result, the productivity gets improved, more than paid for the building cost in the coming year.
Reduced energy costs
Poor ventilation is one of the most common reasons for high energy costs in commercial buildings. The reason is that a lack of ventilation means that indoor air circulation, inappropriate ducted air conditioning installation and stale air collects, causing employees to complain about stuffy office conditions.
Ventilation is the process of changing or replacing air within a space or removing moisture from the air. Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings and means getting fresh air into a room and removing stale inside air.
Good ventilation is necessary to control thermal comfort, manage odor, reduce airborne pollutants, and control light and other stuff.
The management of energy bills is always a big concern; heating and ventilation end up in a giant amount of energy. You can follow some ways to balance the energy costs and health benefits to get good ventilation.