Udana Mudra:
Today we will try to give you detailed information about Udana mudra. Because you must have heard very little about this asana. Because very few people practice this asana.
This asana is very beneficial for those people. People who have problems related to the thyroid gland. These people mainly use it. Apart from this, there are many other benefits from practicing Udana mudra.
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What is Udana mudra?
The thyroid gland is also called the powerhouse of the body. This gland takes certain types of elements from the blood and mixes them together to form very complex hormones. When the secretion of the thyroid gland increases and the amount of iodine in the body increases, it is called hypothyroidism.
This increases the heart rate and blood pressure. Weight loss starts. There is no sleep. Sweating profusely. Hunger increases. Menstrual discharge decreases in women. When the secretion of the thyroid gland decreases, it is called hypothyroidism.
In this, the appetite is less, but still, the weight increases because the ignition of cells is reduced, due to which obesity increases. In such a situation, if you practice Udan Mudra regularly, then it proves to be extremely beneficial for you.
Method of doing Udana Mudra :
It is very easy to practice this asana, it can be done by any person very easily. Keep the little finger straight by joining the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the front part of the ring finger fingers together. The union of the elements of fire, air, sky, and earth is possible through Udan Mudra. Udana Prana is related from the throat to the brain. It affects the pure chakra. Your thyroid problem will be under control and those who do not have this disease will also be saved from it.
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Benefits of Udana Mudra :
There are some benefits of doing every asana. If there are no benefits of doing any asana, then no person should practice any yoga or asana. Therefore, before doing any asana, one should know about the benefits of that asana.
Udan mudra is beneficial in all diseases related to the thyroid. The thyroid gland works smoothly. This mudra has a positive effect on both the mind and the mind. Intelligence develops. Memory power increases. Wisdom grows.
Time to do Udana Mudra:
If we talk about the right time to practice this asana, then you can practice this asana at any time before eating food. If you practice this asana in the morning, then it proves to be more beneficial for you.
Precautions to be taken while doing Udana Mudra :
While practicing every asana, it is necessary to take some precautions. So that many types of problems can be avoided. If you are not careful, then you may have to face a lot of problems. But you do not need to be careful in practicing this asana.