The EU Blue Card is valid for a maximum period of four years and three months. After this period, the EU Blue Card holder can apply for a permanent residence permit. The EU Blue Card allows the holder to reside and work in any EU country, with some exceptions.
To be eligible for an EU Blue Card, you must have:
– A signed employment contract or binding job offer with a salary that meets a minimum threshold;
– A qualification that corresponds to at least three years of full-time higher education;
– A valid travel document.
If you are applying for an EU Blue Card in the Netherlands, you will need to submit the following documents:
– Your passport or other valid travel document;
– A recent passport-sized photo;
– The completed EU Blue Card application form;
– Your employment contract or binding job offer;
– Documentation of your qualifications;
– Proof of health insurance cover.
You can apply for an EU Blue Card at the Dutch embassy, consulate or visa application centre in your country of residence. If you are already living in the Netherlands, you can submit your application to the IND. You will need to pay a processing fee when you submit your EU Blue Card application.
The EU Blue Card is valid for a maximum period of four years and three months. After this period, the EU Blue Card holder can apply for a permanent residence permit. The EU Blue Card allows the holder to reside and work in any EU country, with some exceptions.
To be eligible for an EU Blue Card, you must have:
– A signed employment contract or binding job offer with a salary that meets a minimum threshold;
– A qualification that corresponds to at least three years of full-time higher education;
– A valid travel document.
If you are applying for an EU Blue Card in the Netherlands, you will need to submit the following documents:
– Your passport or other valid travel document;
– A recent passport-sized photo;
– The completed EU Blue Card application form;
– Your employment contract or binding job offer;
– Documentation of your qualifications;
– Proof of health insurance cover.
European Union Blue Card: How to Apply in the Netherlands
The EU blue card is a residence and work permit for highly skilled migrants from outside the European Union. The EU blue card is implemented to attract highly skilled non-EU nationals to come and work in the European Union. This website provides information about the EU blue card in general, the conditions to qualify for the EU blue card and how to apply in The Netherlands. This website also contains information about the Dutch Highly Skilled Migrant (HSM) Program.
To be eligible for an EU Blue Card, you must have a valid job offer or contract of employment with a gross annual salary of at least €53,600 (2019 figure). If you have a higher qualification or if your occupation is on the shortage occupation list, this salary requirement may be lower. If you meet certain conditions, you may be eligible to apply for citizenship after just five years.
The EU blue card is valid for a maximum period of four years and three months. After this, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. You may be eligible to apply for a permanent residence permit after two years if you meet certain conditions, such as having worked in the EU for at least 21 months out of the last 24 months or having completed a recognized EU long-term mobility program.
If you have an EU Blue Card from another EU country, you may be able to move to the Netherlands without applying for a new EU Blue Card. This is known as ‘EU Blue Card portability’. To do this, you must notify the IND within one month of your arrival in the Netherlands.
To be eligible for an EU Blue Card, you must have a job offer or contract with a Dutch employer that meets certain salary criteria. You must also have completed a higher education program that lasted at least three years. If you have not completed such a program, you may still be eligible if you can demonstrate that you have five years of work experience that is comparable to a Dutch higher education program.
The EU Blue Card allows you to live and work in the Netherlands for up to four years. After four years, you may apply for a permanent residence permit. If you meet certain conditions, you may be eligible to apply for citizenship after just five years.
To apply for an EU Blue Card in the Netherlands, you must first submit an application online through the IND website. You will need to provide various documents, such as your passport, birth certificate, CV, educational certificates, and proof of health insurance. You will also need to pay a fee. Once your application has been submitted, you will be contacted for an interview.