Arthritis, an incurable joint inflammatory disease is a common concern worldwide. One of its faces is rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic joint disorder that develops a condition where body parts other than joints can also be affect like eyes, lungs, skin, blood vessels, and heart. The ratio of rheumatoid patients vary across the world, globally its occurrence is 1% whereas in Pakistan percentage is much less i.e. 0.45%. Symptoms can be manage by consulting the best orthopedic doctor who can guide the patients and educate them on how to cope with the ailment because the disease cannot be uproot however signs can be cater tactfully.
What causes it?
It’s an autoimmune disease where the immune system is suppose to defend the body against infection and diseases instead of protecting it outbreaks healthy joint tissues. The actual cause is still unknown however in most cases genetic makeup along with environmental factors is suspect. Certain viruses and bacteria in the environment could be a stimulator. Growing age, smoking, family history, and obesity are other risk factors that bring about rheumatoid arthritis.
Possible symptoms
Smaller joints like that of hands and toes are diseased initially. Later it spread affecting the wrist, elbows, knees, ankles, shoulders, and hips. Mostly the same joints on either side of the body are target. The joint becomes stiff, painful and difficult to move. Warmth and tenderness could be sense over a disease joint. Patients often experience fever and loss of hunger. There is a period when symptoms appear and a phase when it improves.
How it can be detect?
Tough to detect as its symptoms are alike other joint issues in the beginning but can be diagnose by ruling out other suspects. On a visit to an orthopedic surgeon in Lahore patient is examine physically. The best orthopedic surgeon looks for tender areas, swelling, redness, and warmth over the affected joint then check a range of joint motion and strength through assisted or non-assisted movement. Blood tests are prescribe to spot unusual inflammatory processes in the body. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate along with C-reactive protein level is conceive for a purpose. Other investigations include the evaluation of rheumatoid factor and CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies) in the blood. Internal inquiries are make through scanning tests which give visuals of damage occurring to joints and also help to trail disease progression.
Treatment by best orthopedic doctor
The treatment plan depends on the severity of the disease and how much damage it caused to the affected joint. Although a complete cure to rheumatoid arthritis is not possible its intensity can be cease through medical treatment. Inflammation, pain and swelling are handle through oral administration of steroidal and non-steroidal drugs. Certain medicines help to slow down the advancement of the disease. The Best orthopedic doctor always recommends his patient to a good physical therapist who guides patients over easing daily activity movement and help practice a few exercises to keep intact joint strength and flexibility so movement issues don’t aggravate. Using assistive devices for joint support could also help reduce symptoms. Further conventional methods like rest, icing, and compression are also effective ways for pain reduction. Whenever symptoms appear apply cold or hot presses for easing joint swelling and pain.
Under chronic conditions when non-surgical methods are not operative, surgical repairs held the most appropriate solution. Overhauling of damaged joint help restore natural mobility by reducing pain and improving joint efficiency. Surgical options may include:
Tendon repair
Damage to joints also affects soft tissues around counting in tendons and ligaments. Tendons become weak, loosen up or get rupture under serious conditions. So the surgeon make repairs to tendons through surgery.
Synovium is a tissue membrane covering joints that also get inflamed because of rheumatoid arthritis. This membrane is removed through surgery to enhance joint flexibility and ease pain.
Joint replacement
The damaged joint is removed and replaced with a prosthetic joint that imitates the motion of a natural joint. The prosthetic parts are made up of metal, plastic and ceramics.
Joint fusion
When movement causes intolerable pain that couldn’t be resolved, joint fusion is commenced by fusing the bones using a bone graft. It permanently immobilizes a joint but provides a cure for the damage.
However, surgery proves fruitful but it is wise to discuss advantages and complications adhered to surgical procedures so a patient could prepare himself for challenges ahead and deal with them accordingly.
Consult an orthopedic surgeon in Lahore and discuss every minute detail so it becomes easy for him to diagnose the disease right and provide an effective treatment. Practice daily exercises and avoid stressing out diseased joints to prevent further health decline. Work on the diet bringing in food rich with fish oil and plant oil as it helps to reduce pain, inflammation and provide essential lubrication to joints. Seek the guidance of an expert to find ways to ease and rest joints as much you could. Don’t get depress, motivate yourself as you can fight back rheumatoid arthritis to have a better living.