Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition is referred to as SCADA. It is a software solution that gives industrial processes like water treatment, oil and gas production, chemical manufacturing, power generation, and more control, operational visibility, and data analysis. SCADA technology is used by operations teams to track crucial processes and spot any deviations or abnormalities immediately. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to determine when you require a SCADA integrator. Here are 5 indicators you need a SCADA integrator’s assistance:
Your system is a few versions behind.
When industrial control systems were first developed in the ‘70s and ‘80s, there was no Internet. The Internet didn’t even exist until the ‘90s. And, certainly, cybersecurity was not a concern. In fact, most SCADA systems from that time period are still in operation today. Unfortunately, many of these systems are now several decades old. And, many of those systems lack the ability to be easily upgraded. This makes it challenging to secure data, address cybersecurity concerns, and comply with industry regulations. That said, if your SCADA system is a few versions behind, it might be time to seek the help of a SCADA integrator.
You’ve recently been breached by hackers or malware.
If your SCADA system has recently been breached by hackers or malware, it could indicate that you need to bring in a SCADA integrator. A breach can indicate that your system is no longer secure. And, if your system is no longer secure, then there is an increased risk of inaccurate data, damage to the system, financial loss due to downtime, and more. A breach can be a sign that you need to bring in a SCADA integrator because it indicates that you need to secure your data. In order to do so, you may need to bring in a SCADA integrator to upgrade your system and make it more secure.
You have no idea what data you can trust and what data you cannot trust.
If you have no idea what data you can trust and what data you cannot trust, you could need a SCADA integrator. If you have been operating your system for a long time and have not taken steps to address accuracy, it could mean that you cannot trust the data coming from your system. If accuracy is an issue, it can lead to inaccurate production, production downtime, and increased waste. It can also lead to financial loss due to incorrect data being used in the development of financial forecasts. If you have no idea what data you can trust and what data you cannot trust, you could use a SCADA integrator to review your system and help identify areas of concern.
You don’t know how much data you have, or where it is located.
If you don’t know how much data you have, or where it is located, you could need a SCADA integrator. Most SCADA systems were developed in the ‘80s and ‘90s. And, at that time, collecting data was a rare occurrence. To illustrate this, many of the SCADA systems in operation today don’t have a central database. Instead, they are collecting data on individual systems and storing that data locally. This data has been added over time, as new systems were installed and existing systems were modernized. As a result, you now have a ton of data on many different systems and no central database to collect and organize it. If you don’t know how much data you have, or where it is located, you could use a SCADA integrator to collect, organize, and centralize your data.
You must integrate disparate platforms to consolidate your data.
If you must integrate disparate platforms to consolidate your data, you may need a SCADA integrator. Collecting data from multiple SCADA systems and consolidating that data is challenging. It is even more challenging if the different systems are using different software platforms, protocols, or languages. Unfortunately, many organizations that develop SCADA systems did not consider the need to integrate with other systems. As a result, there is a very high likelihood that, over the years, your systems were developed in a siloed fashion. If you must integrate disparate platforms to consolidate your data, you can use a SCADA integrator to help you address this challenge.
To sum up
When considering the need for a SCADA integrator, you should think about the data in your system. You must also consider its accuracy, cybersecurity concerns, and how you can consolidate it to make it more useful. SCADA systems are an essential part of many industries, but they can also be challenging to manage. If you are experiencing any of the five indicators listed above, you may need to bring in an SCADA integrator.